Magnesium-K Active, 30 Effervescent Tablets

€ 20.95 $ 21.22 R$ 114.19 £ 17.75
€ 15.71 $ 15.92 R$ 85.64 £ 13.31
25% discount on the product value from 2024-04-01 to 2024-06-30!

Magnesium-K Active is a food supplement specially designed to meet the demands of individuals who practice sports intensively, facing more pronounced physical exhaustion. Its primary purpose is to optimize energy levels, allowing them to achieve exceptional physical performance and faster and more effective recovery after training.

  • The Magnesium contributes to normal energy metabolism, the proper functioning of muscles and the nervous system, as well as regular protein synthesis and water-electrolyte balance.
  • The Potassium plays a vital role in regulating blood pressure, helping to keep it within healthy levels, and promoting regular muscle function.

It is recommended to dissolve one tablet a day in water.

Formulated with: Magnesium; Potassium.




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