Intea Chamomile Body Hair Lightening Lotion, 100ml

€ 15.35 $ 15.55 R$ 83.67 £ 13.00

Intea Chamomile Body Hair Lightening Lotion is a product specially indicated to bleach and keep body hair blond. Indicated for normal skin, it allows hiding the body hair, avoiding depilation, or allowing to space the time between depilations.

  • The Chamomile Flower Extract allows you to lighten the body hair, making it concealed.

Moisten the hair area to be lightened with lukewarm water and dry it slightly with a towel. Apply the product to the area to be treated, spreading it with the palm of your hand to distribute it evenly. Leave to dry in the open air. The product must act for at least 15 minutes. Apply as often as necessary until the hair is completely lightened, with intervals of at least one hour between applications. On sensitive skin, it is recommended to wait a day for another application.

Chamomile Flower Extract.




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