Cistiless, 20 powder sticks

€ 21.50 $ 21.78 R$ 117.19 £ 18.21

Cistiless is a dietary supplement designed for the comfort and well-being of the urinary tract.

  • D-Mannose prevents and helps decrease bacteria's adhesion to urinary tract walls, improving symptoms or preventing the development of a urinary tract infection.
  • Lactobacillus fermentum CS57 helps to improve the bacterial flora of the urinary tract, for greater resistance to the development of urinary infections.

Dissolve the contents of a stick in a glass of water and drink. It is convenient to take Cistiless with the empty stomach and bladder, for better absorption. It is important to drink plenty of water during the day.

  • In the acute phase: during the first 3 days, take 2 sticks per day, 1 in the morning, before breakfast and 1 in the afternoon.
  • On maintenance: Take 1 stick per day, in the morning, before breakfast, until the end of the package.
  • In the prevention of recurrences: take 1 stick per day in the morning, before breakfast; make 1 complete package per quarter.

Per stick: D-Mannose (1500 mg); Lactobacillus fermentum CS57 (1 x 10^9 CFU).




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