Take care of your heart health!

Take care of your heart health!

19 May 2022

Currently, Cardiovascular Diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. In Portugal, it is estimated that they cause, on average, about one hundred deaths per day. However, if these numbers are still not enough to capture your attention, I provide you with a particularly recent data on this matter: did you know that, in 2020, for every fatality due to COVID-19, ten other deaths occurred due to cerebrovascular diseases?

The pathologies resulting from the Cardiovascular System - and which contribute significantly to the development of heart problems - are undoubtedly one of the main focuses of the scientific community, both in terms of research and development areas, as well as in terms of institutions providing health services. To have an idea, the therapeutic classes that represent the greatest burden for the Portuguese National Health Service and are, in fact, the most used, concern antidyslipidemics, antihypertensives, antidiabetics, and anticoagulants. As such, the enormous impact that these co-morbidities have on society becomes evident, extending not only to the field of public health but also to other socioeconomic indicators.

Thus, and taking into account all the factors listed, the Portuguese Cardiology Foundation institutionalized May as the "Month of the Heart", with the purpose of raising awareness of the population, both for the severity of these diseases and for the importance of identifying and preventing possible risk factors associated with them. In short, cardiovascular diseases are related either to non-modifiable risk factors (such as our genetic heritage, our sex, and age) or to modifiable risk factors (which are closely linked to our behaviors).

Focusing on the latter, stress, sedentary lifestyle, bad eating habits, tobacco consumption and excessive use of alcoholic beverages are the main responsible for the occurrence of strokes and heart failure. But why? Because it is generally these behaviors that trigger diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and dyslipidemia.

Generally speaking, did you know that:

  • There are two million hypertensive people in Portugal?
  • More than 65% of the Portuguese population is overweight or obese?
  • We are the second country in the European Union with the highest prevalence of Diabetes and it is estimated that, in 2030, 552 million people, worldwide, may have this disease?
  • Dyslipidemia is one of the main risk factors for atherosclerosis?

These numbers are indeed worrying. However, its disclosure is increasingly necessary, as a way of alerting to the dangers of a careless routine. This is because prevention will always be the best way to avoid the development of numerous diseases and health complications. In fact, it is certain that the association of several of these pathologies considerably increases cardiovascular risk.

For that reason, and to celebrate this month, I decided to share with you some strategies that you can start putting into practice starting today. So what can you do to become healthier and take care of your heart?

  • Eat well! After all, your body is really your temple. Therefore, it is crucial that you maintain a balanced diet, with a daily intake of fruits and vegetables. At a time when we have less and less time to go shopping or to cook, don't forget that the proper reading of labels will allow you to consciously select products that best suit your needs, and that fresh products are always the best choice. So try the maxim “peel more and unwrap less”, avoiding processed foods; reduce the consumption of foods of animal origin (especially red and smoked meats); replace refined salt with coarser salt, such as pink Himalayan salt, and season your food with herbs; steam or grill and try to avoid fried foods; prefer healthier fats, such as those found in olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, fatty fish and nuts; do not forget that the daily and exaggerated consumption of foods rich in simple sugars is very harmful to your health; and, finally, always stay hydrated, avoiding the consumption of alcoholic beverages or soft drinks.
  • Stay active! Nothing better than exercising to feel happier and lighter. Did you know that the regular practice of sport leads to the release of endorphins, which are hormones that interfere with our feeling of happiness and well-being? If you don't know how to get started, why not take a 30-minute walk every day or try a sport that interests you? In addition to maintaining your ideal weight, you will also be contributing to your emotional well-being.
  • If you smoke, seek the help of a healthcare professional, as well as the support of your family and friends, to change this behavior. In addition to your willpower, there are currently several strategies to assist you in this process (gums, pills, sprays, transdermal patches). It is important that you know that you will never be alone and that the reward in years and quality of life will be worth all your effort and commitment on this journey of health and transformation.
  • Create strategies that allow you to live more calmly and peacefully. Listen to your body's needs, and take a few minutes of your day to do something that really gives you pleasure, like reading, listening to music, watching a movie, or cooking. Share your feelings with other people, because it's perfectly normal that we don't always know how to manage our emotions.

In addition to all this advice, which you've probably heard, the truth is that to take care of your heart it may also be necessary to compensate your body with some substances that promote its better functioning, in general, and that, in particular, advantageously contribute to the normal performance of the cardiovascular system. In this context, medical or pharmaceutical advice is essential. However, you can already retain as key elements omegas, coenzyme Q10, magnesium and potassium, and garlic. These contribute to the health of blood vessels and to the reduction of the formation of atheromatous plaques, thanks to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and their contribution to the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system and energy-yielding metabolism.

However, in addition to these compounds, there are also food supplements that are effective in helping to control diseases such as hypertension (Arkocápsulas Olive Tree), diabetes (examples of which are formulations with chromium in its composition), and hypercholesterolemia (associated with the well-known "red rice").

Of all the strategies, the most important has to do with our self-knowledge. Paying attention to the signals that our body transmits to us, and acting in a timely manner and throughout life, is essential for us to live longer and with a better quality of life. So don't forget to do the tests and routine exams that are recommended for you! For our part, and as always, we are entirely available to help you take care of your heart! Do not hesitate to contact us.

See you soon!


Dr. Andreia Moreira




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