3, 2, 1, Goodbye Cellulite!

3, 2, 1, Goodbye Cellulite!

10 June 2021

Today we are going to talk about the eternal enemy of women: cellulite!

Between 80 to 90% of Portuguese women have some degree of cellulite. Cellulite causes the unwanted "orange peel" effect, but it is not a serious medical condition and can only cause discomfort and/or aesthetic changes. However, it can be indicative of a wrong lifestyle. Today we are going to try to understand a little more about the topic, to help reduce cellulite, without aesthetic interventions. For more advanced situations, we always advise you to consult a dermatologist.

Cellulite can be classified into grades (ranging from grade 1, where cellulite is internal, to grade 4, where cellulite is visible through clothing) or types (flaccid, compact, or edematous). Among the factors that can cause this condition, the most critical are:

  • bad eating habits;
  • slow metabolism;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hormonal changes;
  • dehydration;
  • tobacco;
  • stress.

It's also important to realize that having cellulite doesn't mean being overweight. However, losing weight can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Whatever the case, it is always an advantage to adopt the precautions I will suggest below. Each of them works for itself but will have better results if you follow them together.

Massage and exfoliation

While lymphatic drainage stimulates the elimination of accumulated fluids in the body, shaping massage acts both on the lymphatic system and on the fatty plaques. Doing the massage with an exfoliant helps, not only because it makes the massage more intense, but also because it helps prepare the skin for anti-cellulite and slimming care.



Anti-cellulite skincare does not resolve cellulite, but it improves its appearance significantly, especially when being used in conjunction with the shaping massage and exfoliating, as I mentioned in the previous section. Several options are available on the market, in cream, gel, or oil, but they all have one thing in common: it is necessary to use these products for some time and with a stipulated routine to have visible results. There are no single-use miracle creams yet!


Change habits

Eating, drinking water, and exercising are the keys to success in this area. Thus, it is important to change some habits and complement them with the use of cosmetic products, so that you can get the best possible results!

  • Avoid fried, canned, processed, or refined foods, especially those that contain a lot of salt and will contribute to fluid retention;
  • Drink lots of water (between 1.5 to 2 liters a day);
  • Exercise regularly, doing especially cardiovascular exercises (cycling, running, walking at a fast pace...);
  • Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and stress, of course!

I hope I have helped you in some way and that these advices can be useful to you. And it never hurts to remember: cellulite is reversible, let's work for it!


Sara Moreira Ferreira




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